Watercolor and wire on paper, 56 x 76 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

watercolor, string, paper, 56 × 78 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

Ink, gouache, pencil on paper, 62 × 96 cm

torn paper, pastel, 50 × 65 cm

charcoal, watercolor and pencil on paper, 30.5 x 40.6cm, photo: Jason Wyche

Watercolor and string on paper, 56 × 78 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

pencil and black ink on paper, 56 × 78 cm, Photo: Hadiye Cangokce

watercolor, telephone wire on paper, 56 × 78 cm, Photo: Hadiye Cangokce

Gouache and pencil on paper, 56,5 × 76,5 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

pencil, gouache on paper, 56,5 × 76,5 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

pencil, gouache on paper, 56,5 × 76,5 cm hoto: Hadiye Cangokce

rice paper, gouache, 64 × 102 cm, hoto: Hadiye Cangokce

rice paper, gouache, 64 × 102 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

pencil, watercolor, and telephone wire on paper , 64 × 102 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

water color, pencil on paper, 64 × 102 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

watercolor and wire on paper, 56 × 76 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

watercolor and pencil on paper, 64 x 102 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

water color on paper, 64 × 102 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

Artist’s book, wire, string, collage and silkscreen on paper, 11 pages each 30 × 24 cm

Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm

Artist's Book, silkscreen, string, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm

Artist's Book, silkcreen, torn paper, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm

Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm

Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm

Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm

Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm

Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm

Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm

Torn paper, ink, 48,5 × 64 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

Torn paper, pastel, 48,5 x 64 , photo: Hadiye Cangokce

torn, paper, wire, 50 × 65 cm photo: Hadiye Cangokce

torn paper, pencil, 50 × 65 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

torn paper, pastel, 64 x 48,5 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

Pencil and packing tape, 50 × 65 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce

charcoal, watercolor and pencil on paper, 30.5 x 40.6cm, photo: Jason Wyche

Pastel, 101 x 66 cm

pastel, 101 x 66 cm

Ink, gouache, pencil on paper, 62 × 96 cm

Pastel on paper (triptych, each 101 x 66 cm)

Pastel on paper (triptych, each 101 x 66 cm)

Pastel on paper (triptych each 101 x 66 cm)

ink, rice paper, pencil, unique artist's book with box cover 23 × 32 × 2 cm closed

ink, rice paper, pencil, unique artist's book with box cover 23 × 32 × 2 cm closed

ink, rice paper, pencil, unique artist's book with box cover 23 × 32 × 2 cm closed

monotypes on rice paper, folio with antique silk, unique artist's book, 38 x38 cm (dims closed)

monotypes on rice paper, folio with antique silk, unique artist's book, 38 x72 cm (dims open)

monotypes on rice paper, folio with antique silk, unique artist's book

monotypes on rice paper, folio with antique silk, unique artist's book

monotypes on rice paper, folio with antique silk, unique artist's book

watercolor, pencil and ink on paper, with sago palm leaf closure
25 × 20 × 5 cm (closed dims)

watercolor, pencil and ink on paper, with sago palm leaf closure
25 × 20 × 5 cm (closed dims)

watercolor, pencil and ink on paper, with sago palm leaf closure
25 × 20 × 5 cm (closed dims)

Watercolor and wire on paper, 56 x 76 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
watercolor, string, paper, 56 × 78 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
Ink, gouache, pencil on paper, 62 × 96 cm
torn paper, pastel, 50 × 65 cm
charcoal, watercolor and pencil on paper, 30.5 x 40.6cm, photo: Jason Wyche
Watercolor and string on paper, 56 × 78 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
pencil and black ink on paper, 56 × 78 cm, Photo: Hadiye Cangokce
watercolor, telephone wire on paper, 56 × 78 cm, Photo: Hadiye Cangokce
Gouache and pencil on paper, 56,5 × 76,5 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
pencil, gouache on paper, 56,5 × 76,5 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
pencil, gouache on paper, 56,5 × 76,5 cm hoto: Hadiye Cangokce
rice paper, gouache, 64 × 102 cm, hoto: Hadiye Cangokce
rice paper, gouache, 64 × 102 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
pencil, watercolor, and telephone wire on paper , 64 × 102 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
water color, pencil on paper, 64 × 102 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
watercolor and wire on paper, 56 × 76 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
watercolor and pencil on paper, 64 x 102 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
water color on paper, 64 × 102 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
Artist’s book, wire, string, collage and silkscreen on paper, 11 pages each 30 × 24 cm
Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm
Artist's Book, silkscreen, string, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm
Artist's Book, silkcreen, torn paper, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm
Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm
Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm
Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm
Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm
Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm
Artist's Book, silkcreen, collage, telephone wire, eleven pages, each: 30 × 24 cm
Torn paper, ink, 48,5 × 64 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
Torn paper, pastel, 48,5 x 64 , photo: Hadiye Cangokce
torn, paper, wire, 50 × 65 cm photo: Hadiye Cangokce
torn paper, pencil, 50 × 65 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
torn paper, pastel, 64 x 48,5 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
Pencil and packing tape, 50 × 65 cm, photo: Hadiye Cangokce
charcoal, watercolor and pencil on paper, 30.5 x 40.6cm, photo: Jason Wyche
Pastel, 101 x 66 cm
pastel, 101 x 66 cm
Ink, gouache, pencil on paper, 62 × 96 cm
Pastel on paper (triptych, each 101 x 66 cm)
Pastel on paper (triptych, each 101 x 66 cm)
Pastel on paper (triptych each 101 x 66 cm)
ink, rice paper, pencil, unique artist's book with box cover 23 × 32 × 2 cm closed
ink, rice paper, pencil, unique artist's book with box cover 23 × 32 × 2 cm closed
ink, rice paper, pencil, unique artist's book with box cover 23 × 32 × 2 cm closed
monotypes on rice paper, folio with antique silk, unique artist's book, 38 x38 cm (dims closed)
monotypes on rice paper, folio with antique silk, unique artist's book, 38 x72 cm (dims open)
monotypes on rice paper, folio with antique silk, unique artist's book
monotypes on rice paper, folio with antique silk, unique artist's book
monotypes on rice paper, folio with antique silk, unique artist's book
watercolor, pencil and ink on paper, with sago palm leaf closure
25 × 20 × 5 cm (closed dims)
watercolor, pencil and ink on paper, with sago palm leaf closure
25 × 20 × 5 cm (closed dims)
watercolor, pencil and ink on paper, with sago palm leaf closure
25 × 20 × 5 cm (closed dims)